Why Creators Don’t Respond to Your Campaign Pitch.

Regardless of whether you’re utilizing automated tools, this issue can emerge within the first 10 days of sending a campaign pitch. I recognize how disheartening it can be to receive only a handful of responses despite sending numerous emails.

With this in mind, let me provide some insights on effective ways to maximize creator engagement.

The issue often lies in the creators not fully understanding the campaign from your email. They might be unclear about the campaign’s mission or what specific content you’re seeking. Overloading the email with excessive text or presenting too many options can exacerbate this confusion. To avoid this, ensure your emails are clear and concise. Provide essential information directly and include links for more detailed aspects. This approach can help in conveying your message effectively to receive a faster response.

There are many reasons for this ranging from your domain’s reputation to the creator not checking emails frequently (for whatever reason).  Check your domain reputation. If it’s not high, improve it by adding DMARC, DKIM, and SPF records. Warming your email also helps ensure it reaches the inbox.

The creator just hasn’t told you. This is unprofessional, but it happens.

While there’s not much you can do about point #3, there are ways you can refine points #1 and #2.  

To increase the likelihood of prompt responses from creators, ensure that your campaign pitch is both clear and concise. Concentrate on incorporating only the most crucial details that will resonate quickly. This approach will help facilitate faster replies enabling you to assess whether to pursue a potential collaboration or move on to another creator. If this all sounds similar to a sales process, that’s because it is: you are selling. Creators don’t have to participate in your campaign, so you have to incentivize them to do so.